Gay Sex versus Bestiality

The supporters of gay pseudo-marriage cannot explain why they believe that gay sex is moral and good, but bestiality is immoral and bad. And the reason that they can’t explain that difference is that they have no firm basis for their moral beliefs.

If Whoopi, Oprah, and Matt Lauer started an aggressive campaign promoting bestiality – complete with testimonials from real animal “lovers” – sooner or later, the gay “marriage” supporters would be convinced that bestiality is a good thing; as long as it makes both the person and the animal happy.

We, Christians, however, will never change our minds regarding either gay sex or bestiality – because our moral beliefs are based on the solid foundation of the undeniable, infallible, and never-changing Word of the One and Only Eternal God, which states:

“You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. You shall not have sexual relations with any animal and defile yourself with it, nor shall any woman give herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it: it is perversion.” (Leviticus 18:22-23)

If a person is born with a strong sexual attraction and desire for chimpanzees – which he cannot change – is it moral and good for him to have sex with willing chimpanzees; as long as it makes both him and the chimp happy? The Word of God says, “No!” What do the supporters of gay pseudo-marriage say; and why?

There are Gay People in Heaven

I want gay people to go to heaven. And they can – and do!

But they must to do it God’s way.

Admit the sin, accept Christ, & receive his power to turn away from the grave sin of gay sex. He will do it. He loves gay people and wants to spend eternity in heaven with them. But they MUST do it HIS way. He is the ONLY way.

Who else would die a gruesome death just to pay the penalty you owe for your sins, so you don’t have to? Only Jesus. And He had no penalty of His own to pay. He was COMPLETELY without sin. He NEVER sinned, and yet He loved gay people enough to go to the Cross and pay the penalty for their abominable sin – because He wants them in heaven. But they MUST do it HIS WAY. Admit the Sin, Accept Christ as Lord and Savior, and receive His power to live an amazingly joy-filled life – His power to turn from the sin.

“The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10


Gays and their liberal allies want to scare you into remaining silent about the sins of gay sex and gay marriage. Don’t let them do it!

They cannot harm you. You are on God’s side.

They know deep down that their sexual behavior is a grave sin. Otherwise, they wouldn’t get so angry and insulting when we show them the Word of God. It convicts them in their very souls.

Let us pray that conviction leads them to embrace Christ and turn from the sin of gay sex.

Richard Jarzynka, author of “Blessed with Bipolar”